Chewing Gum Removal Pressure Washing in Mississauga

Taking care of business in Mississauga sometimes means having to tackle some unpleasant things. Black marks left over by gum that is fused to concrete and other surfaces is one of those things. No one wants to touch a mass of germs, and sticky substances like polymers and waxes with their bare hands, and it would take an eternity to chisel each lump off yourself. 360 Window Cleaning Inc is your complete resource for pressure washing and chewing gum removal. We offer affordable rates, flexible maintenance packages and unbeatable quality and customer service. Don’t let the unsightly goo pile up on pathways, parking spots, concrete patios, and sidewalks. Our free estimates and top-level service will have your home or storefront looking its best again. Here is a short selection of some of the types of local properties we have eradicated bubblegum pollution from recently:

  • Markets
  • Schools
  • Government buildings
  • Bus stops
  • Subway and train stations
  • Airports
  • Restaurants
  • Bars
  • Apartment complexes
  • Shopping centers
  • Retail stores
  • Hotels
  • Civic areas
  • Recreation centers
  • Community buildings
  • Churches

Power Washing Concrete is the Most Effective Form of Gum Removal

If you’ve ever tried gum removal from concrete by hand, you know for yourself it’s a time-consuming, unpleasant way to potentially risk your health. There is no way to really know what type of germs are trapped inside, just waiting to be unleashed. The worst part is, even after you’ve spent all day chiseling away at it there is still going to be a base layer of residue that is nearly impossible to get off without right gum remover sprays. Power washing concrete is fast, and it works. Even if you have several years’ worth of gum layered on top of one another, we are confident our advanced chewing gum removal equipment and expert personnel are up to the task. Our concrete pressure cleaner systems are so powerful, we are able to melt gum clean away on contact. From one-time gum removal and surface revivals, to complete corrective cleanings (with a customized maintenance schedule)—we are the licensed professionals you can trust.

Superior Sidewalk Cleaning Equipment

Chewing gum removal equipment has come a long way since the days of trying to freeze and remove each piece, one by one. Our trained technical staff have perfected gum removal from concrete and are licensed and insured to operate each piece of specialized machinery in our large and versatile fleet.

The use of sidewalk cleaning equipment usually requires temporarily restricting access to your home or business. To keep business and daily routines running as smoothly as possible, we’ll work with you to determine a cleaning schedule that is most suited to your operational needs. We offer regular and after-hours gum removal from concrete, so the job can be completed safely, without impacting regular traffic flow.

How Often Should Chewing Gum Removal From Concrete be Performed?

Using power washing equipment to perform chewing gum removal from concrete will mean the exterior of your Mississauga business will appear clean and inviting all year long. If it’s been a while since professional chewing gum removal equipment was used on your property, don’t sweat it. Although we recommend removing buildup at least once a year, we can still complete a corrective cleaning (followed by regular maintenance as needed) that will get your premises back in top shape again in no time.

If you own or manage a property in Mississauga, call the experts in pressure washing chewing gum removal for a free quote today.